SJS/TEN Registry

SJS/TEN Online Registry System: Please click here to register

The purpose of SJS/TEN Registry is to identify which medications have the highest incidence rate.

Your name, address and phone number will be kept confidential unless you choose to share that information by checking the consent box at the bottom of the form.

Vanderbilt’s SJS/TEN Survivor Study:

Adults and children between the ages of seven – 90 years old who have self-identified as having SJS/TEN related to a medication/drug they have taken can complete the survey at the link below:

The purpose of the SJS Survivor Study is to recruit individuals who have been diagnosed with SJS/TEN. This will be used to identify the nature and risk for long-term complications of SJS/TEN and genetic risk factors associated with drug-induced SJS/TEN that will translate into improved pre-prescription preventive strategies and care of SJS/TEN.

Results of SJS/TEN Registry from 2003 – 2023:

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