About Us

The Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Foundation is a non-profit organization. The purpose of the foundation is to provide the public and medical communities with information on adverse allergic drug reactions. Our goal is to make the public aware of adverse reactions, so that a quick diagnosis may be made and the offending drug stopped as soon as possible. Allergic drug reactions are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States [ Read more ].

Adverse Drug Reactions may cause over 106,000 deaths among hospitalized patients each year [ Read more ]. Less than 1% of all drug reactions are reported to the FDA. The public needs to know what to look for when taking any drug and seek medical attention immediately in the event of a reaction in order to prevent permanent damage. The SJS Foundation is also doing medical research into SJS/TEN.

The Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Support Group originated in May of 1995. The Group’s purpose is to provide emotional support for people with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.

Mission Statement
The SJS Foundation was founded to be a resource to SJS victims and their families. Our mission is provide research, support services, and compile and distribute valuable information about SJS to the public and medical professionals regarding treatments and therapies that prove beneficial to SJS sufferers. We work to promote public awareness about the signs of SJS so that a quick diagnosis can be made and the offending drug stopped as soon as possible. 

Note: The Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1996, dedicated to bringing public awareness and research to adverse drug reactions that cause Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and TEN (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) through the use of prescription and over the counter medications. Since recent Black Box warnings have been placed on some medications, we have learned that there may be certain individuals attempting to solicit funds under the guise of The SJS Foundation. The Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Foundation is an organization based solely in Westminster, Colorado.

Articles or advertisements referring to specific programs, services and/or products do not constitute endorsement by the Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Foundation. Articles involving medical aspects of SJS are not intended to be medical advice and readers are cautioned not to make any changes in their treatment based on information without consulting with a physician.

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