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Name :: Vicki       Email_address ::

Story ::    I was 12 years old when I contracted SJS. At that time, no one really knew what it was. I was from a small town and thank the Lord that there was at least one Dr. that recognized what was going on with me. The dr that was treating me did not know what I had, he tested me for all kinds of things but just didn't know. There came a time when the dr wouldnt even come into the room with me.
I was taken to Carswell AFB and then transferred to Brooks Army Medical Center where I stayed for 2 miserable weeks. I have little memory of the things that went on with me. All I can recall is the horific smell there. I am 34 now and still remember everyday when I look into the mirror or wipe the tears from my eyes. They continue to give me problems to this day but atleast I still have my eyesight.

Name :: dave       Email_address ::

Story ::    This is my story: I’m a Filipino, 36 years of age. I’m one of the few who has this rare SJS disorder. It was on July 21st 2001, My eyes became very sore and itchy. I thought i was having a sore eyes or sort of irritation.
Soon my mouth begun to have blisters as if im chewing some pebbles or broken glass. That night i begun to chill and having fever and cough. The next day i told my wife and aunt about this and ask them to go with me at the nearest clinic. My whole lips became black and my eyes are irritated, The doctor had no idea about my illness, and suggest that i should be confined immediately. Soon i had a difficulty in breathing and my body felt weak. We’ve been to two hospitals, after being sent away from two emergency rooms, the third hospital admitted me, I pray the Lord (Help me, this must be it!). I ask myself what was happening to me? I don’t have any idea and i can’t walk for too long. they diagnosed me with Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS). SJS is a severe allergic reaction to medication. Most patients of SJS do not survive. If they do survive they will have some kind of handicap.That afternoon the doctor diagnose me and i heard the conversation of my aunt and the doctor that i have a STEVEN-JOHNSON SYNDROME. I’m scared and soon thinking of my kids, i felt sadness and begun to pray, i had never heard of this disease and knew absolutely nothing about it. It seems i had an allergic reaction to the anti-biotic i had taken. Soon the nurses came and put dextrose, oxygen & ECG at me.
The head doctor at the emergency assigned four more doctors, One for internal, dermatologist, infectious and optamologist. They took blood samples on my arms many times to find out were i got this disease. I told my wife to bring me to a ward cause it’s cheaper but the doctor insist to bring me to a private room so i will be isolated. By then, blisters had started forming on my face, chest, lips, neck, arms, soon my whole body itself from head to toe. It was unbearable pain, it was like my skin was burning, I could see the look of disgust on the face of my aunt and my wife and the visitors for what was happening to me. The doctor told my wife to pray hard and miracle is the only change, all they can do is to cry for me.
Everyday seems getting hard for me to sleep and could move in my bed, All i can do is pray and waiting the Lord to take me. Everyone who saw me could not believe the way i looked like. Even my kids when they visit me could not recognized me as if i was turned into a monster. Soon my eyes begun to shut and very difficult to see. I could not eat anything, could hardly drink, my eyes were in great pain and i couldn’t open my eyes for how many days. My energy level dropped, I was sleeping all day, and everytime i woke up i had to literally tear my lips bit by bit (through a sealed mouth) Each night they would bleed and scab together, it was cracked and bleeding. My mouth and throat were full of lesions, even a small swallow of mineral water was terribly painful. I have to gurgle every minute by using mixed sodium chloride and bactidol to remove small skin particles that comes from the blister on my throat. Urinating became indescribably painful. My wife took very good care of me during that time she became my nurse whose responsible of putting eyedrops, rubbing phenolated calamine lotion and ointment (vandol) on blisters all over my body and special oitment for my fingers three times a day. When the skin peeling normally, and my Internal organs kept working, My wife and relative coulnd’t believe i will survive this tragic illness and soon i’m getting strong and soon drinking water little by little. It was a miracle, God gives me strentght and so greatful that my eyesight we’re not totally damaged. my doctors allows me to go home after spending 16 painful days at the hospitals. Am now recovering at home. I can honestly say that it was one of the most horrible and painful experiences of my life but i am lucky. My fingernails indented, bubbled and weekend. Later the whole nails broke off and i lost a lot of hair.
I was very close to dying but had both parents, mother in law, my wife, relatives and friends support and pray all the way thoroughly they kept praying and praying.
It’s been three years now after i was visually impaired. I got this dry eye syndrome and Photophobia. Lost nail beds and unable to perspire even i walk for a longer time.
Now I’m wearing ultra violet protection glasses designed to restore vision that has been severely impaired by SJS and a lifetime medication for my eyes. I’m not sure what drugs caused my SJS but for sure i’ll be very extra careful in taking drugs, maybe herbal medicine can help a lot. I know everything happens for a reason and i have faith in God and the prayers are helping immensely. I can't express enough my heart goes out to anyone who has had to deal with this horrific disease the scars last forever both physical and emotional.
I pray for those who have suffered much more than i that our Lord will give them comfort like what he did to me. Thanks Be the LORD GOD Almighty
Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.

Name :: Floxed       Email_address ::

Story ::   I want to warn everyone about fluoroquinolones. They include drugs commonly known as Cipro, Floxin, Tequin, Levaquin and many more. Your pet may even be given these drugs although they have been proven to cause lameness in dogs, that's right in the PDR ! Also no one under 18 is supposed to have these drugs and if you are elderly it's only with extreme caution etc. But doctors and vets hand these things out like candy, despite the proven fact and testimony from the CDC that regular old penicillin drugs that have been around forever work as well on anything EVEN ANTHRAX.

Anyway I have suffered a LOT due to taking Cipro, from joint and muscle pain, to anxiety, depression, insomnia, eye pain, vision problems, coordination problems, nerve problems like tingling, crawling, buzzing sensations, it's enough to drive a person round the bend, there are really too many symptoms I have now, to even list it here !

The main thing I want you all to know is that these do not go away after you stop taking it in fact most of them set in about a week or two later once your immune system fully figures out the poison it just had put through it. That is common for those who have this reaction. Your doctor may try and tell you it isn't possible - mine did when I expressed worry before taking it. I took his advice and now am I ever sorry. I had a horrible reaction to it, thought I was done and the worst came about a week after I STOPPED taking Cipro.

It has been about six months now and I am still not over it although many things got better. I had none of these problems before Cipro ! I hear about people still ill years later or having tendon or ligament problems. I now walk as if I am about 80 years old, I'm about half that old.

This drug has really wrecked my life and dreams and plans and my family's too. All from taking a few days worth of this thing. For many people this is a horrible and poisonous pill. Please do not risk it unless your other choice literally is life vs. death. It is not worth it for the many other reasons most Drs give it. I sure would have rather had a UTI than five months of a nightmare. You can take cranberry for a UTI and with no side effects. Doctors are WAY too pill happy and don't take side effects seriously vs the risk.

There is no way to know who will have this reaction and it just is not worth it. I was a few months laid up in bed with pain so severe all I could do was lie there and cry til I got worn out and could sleep. Tests showed elevated ENA and ANA and other bad things but doctors will still not believe a pill could cause this.

WAKE UP doctors, is what I want to say. And to patients: Stick to your intuition, doctors only care about the $$$$.

Name :: sandy mcpartland

Story ::    Thank you for the information and this website concerning SJS!! A close friend of ours has just been diagnosed for the second time with SJS and is now in the intensive care unit. You're absolutely right about the general lack of knowledge concerning this disease - while our friend was lucky in that he was diagnosed fairly quickly the first time (four years ago), the chance of a recurrence was never mentioned to him. Drug allergies were also never discussed as being a possible cause of the disease. The current episode began with what he thought was a bad cold - sore throat, cough, etc. He treated the symptoms with otc drugs - and went from bad to worse. Within hours of the onset of the first blisters around his eyes and in his nose he became completely unable to talk, could no longer swallow, and was unable to see out of his swollen eyes. Luckily he and his wife had already suspected SJS and had to convince the ER staff that they needed a doctor familiar with the disease. He knows from past experience that he's in for a rough ride, but our prayers are with him and we're optimistic for a good outcome! This is the first time my husband and iI have ever heard of this disease, and your site has provided us with a wealth of informaton. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Sandy McParyland

Name :: julie bryant       Email_address ::

Story ::    My mother had SJS about 4 months before she died and ever since then i have tried to find all the information i can on this awful disease that gets misdiagnosis alot , i can remeber my mother suffering and we went thru debridment of her lower legs where she had heart surgery and wetting down bandages so i could get them changed it was just awful thats why i'm back in school and became an emt so i could help people .I think the supprt group you have is wonderful because it gives people a place to come and tell thier story to people who will listen . I thank you for this
sincerly , julie bryant

Name :: jill w       Email_address ::

Story ::    Hello, My name is Jill and my horror started about 2 weeks ago. ...I had had a fever for about a week which wasnt going insurance isnt the best which forced me to go to one of those walk in medical places, where i got an awful doctor, who diagnosed me with the flu then put me on Sulfa...which no doctor can understand why she did this... a day later my lips started to swell...2 days later I had horrible horrible hemmhoraging in my eyes and conjunctivitus...,,,i continued to take the sulfa for about 6 days till my mother realized i was having an alergic reaction and it was back to the walk in medical place for me... I didnt even get a doctor the second time...i got a doctors assistant who told me i had had an alergic reaction to sulfa, and that i should not take it any more...he also told me that the conjunctivitus was from an "upper respitory infection"

So, instead of putting me on something for my allergic reaction, he just tells me to stop taking the sulfa, and put me on a new antibiotic instead...i wasnt getting any better and i was getting worse, now i was getting hives, and my lips were all purple with scabs and the inside of my mouth was beginning to sting...and my face was beginning to swell...i was not even recognizable.... well, i went back to the quack doctor who was very nasty and rude askig why i wasnt treated for the alergic reaction...she screamed at tme and treated me as if it was all my fault...she had me so upset i was crying.. she perscribed some low dose of steriods for me....and my mouth continued to get worse, so i phoned the pharmacist and asked her if this could possibley be thrush,,,,

well this pharmacist was a dear dear woman, who rememberd me from the night before...she had seen my face and was allarmed and was going to call me..she told me she thought i might have something called stevens johnson syndrome...she had seen it before when in medical school... so i called the doctor and told him and this pharmacist, very concerned, also called the doctor and voiced her susupicions and inisited on seeing me right away.. he called me in thinking what i had was not stevens johnsons but put me on a higher dose of steriod...i was progresively getting worse, and by thursday, iw as back in there , even the doctor was allarmed,,,he called the emergencey room at the hospital where i was seen by an infectious disease doctor, who told me i had TEN (a sort of stevens johnson). well she basically told me to stop takihng all meds, steriods were not the drug of choice in my case, as they were only making matters worse, and basically told me all i can do is let it go away on its own..which may take a few weeks... I am in horrific pain...well actually my mouth isnt as bad as it was, but it is still bad...i feel now like i may be developing an urinary tract infection.. for me this has been an nightmare i cannot wake up from ... i am quite scared of the unknown...and very very uncomfortable.. the story continues..the doctor (the specialist from teh emergency room)has been calling me daily..i may have to go in tomorrow for an urinalysis...i guess we will see from here... anyhow, if anyone who has had tEN /or SJS would like to e mail me to chat, my e mail address is its good to talk to somoene who knows what y ou are going hasnt been a picnic, thats for sure...
Luv, Jill

Name :: Carol Burt       Email_address ::

Story ::    I'm very scared, but very glad this website and this foundation exist.

My grandson, Ian, is 15 months old. He's had a rough winter. For the first year of his life he was kept at home with his other grandmother, who lived with them for a year. After that, he had to go to daycare, and he has been sick a lot since then.

He recently had pneumonia, but had recovered well from that. Then, last Wednesday (02/02/2005), he started exhibiting cold symptoms and running a fever again. My daughter took him to the doctor and was told he had an upper respiratory bacterial infection. He was seen by the nurse practitioner, since the doctor was not available. An antibiotic was prescribed. The next morning Ian seemed better, but had a rash on his stomach. By afternoon a flat red rash had covered his stomach, thighs, legs, feet and ankles, one side of his head, and his neck. They took him to the emergency room, were sent instead to Urgent Care, where they waited three hours. As soon as the urgent care doctor saw him, he sent them back to ER. At ER, they admitted him.

The attending doctor, a pediatrician, had seen SJS before, and immediately suspected it (thank God), so she had an IV started to keep him hydrated and was giving him an antihistamine to control itching and hopefully stem the allergic attack.

By the time he was admitted, his ankles were purple and he had bruised blotches and target sores developing. I am a thousand miles away, but my daughter and I were keeping up an almost constant telephone conversation. I immediately began researching on the web, and found your site (thank God, again). As I studied the resources, I found the recent lawsuit regarding children's Motrin, and realized my daughter had said the doctor was giving Ian Motrin for pain and fever. They had also been giving him Motrin before for a couple of days for fever.

I called my daughter and told her NSAIDS like Motrin and Advil are suspected in SJS, and she told the doctor. Thankfully, this doctor was open and grateful we had told her. She said she hadn't heard of that recent development, nor had she known a lawsuit had been filed implicating Motrin. She stopped the Motrin immediately and began using Tylenol instead.

At this point, they are not sure if my grandson is going to develop full SJS, and they are hoping it will stop with Erythema Malforme. However, as I am writing this, my daughter has just called to say he has developed two new blisters on his lips and now has an ulcer inside his mouth. He also has blister-like sores around his rectum, but none on his genitalia.

Poor baby is only 15 months old and is crying continuously, but the doctor is reluctant to order any medicines she doesn't have to. I am hoping she begins steroid therapy, but I don't know if she thinks it is necessary at this point. She has been wonderful, but I don't want her to think we are trying to play doctor. However, if there is no improvement and things continue to go downhill tonight, I am going to suggest she look into trying cortisteroid (sp?) treatment.

One of his ears is purple, and most of the raised rash area is turning into the target looking sores. I'm afraid it is only beginning...and will get worse. The development of sores on his lips has really frightened us.

They are in Sarasota, Florida, and the doctor said if he worsens, she will immediately transfer him to All Children's Hospital in Tampa, Florida. Does anyone know of any doctor in Florida experienced with this?

I'm scared to death and expect to be leaving soon to travel there unless things are a lot better tomorrow.

I'm so glad this foundation is here. We would be so lost about it if we hadn't had this site to educate ourselves, and even help our doctor.

Pray for us. I will keep posting new information. I would be happy to hear from anyone who has had any experience on a diagnosis of Erythema Multiforma turning into SJS or TEN. I'm scared about the swelling of his ankles, ears and eyelids and the purple discoloration which is getting worse. Carol Burt

Name :: Suerathia C. Turner       Email_address ::

Story ::    I rec'd a phone call from Franklin County Children Services on a Tuesday saying my granddaughter Jamie who was 16 years old was hospitalized at Riley Hospital with Stevens Johnson Syndrome. I had never ever heard of anything like that. I am a graduate nurse and still I'd never heard of anything like this. So I tried to contact him, but when I couldn't reach him I looked it up on the internet and at the same time got LaDoga Academy on the phone to find out what happened to my granddaughter. I was reading the information I had pulled up on the internet and waiting for someone at Ladoga to get on the phone. When they did, I knew I had to get to Indianapolis right away, my granddaugher was in serious trouble with a capital T. I learned that she had gotten sick and kept there at the institution with a very high fever, and when it got to 105.6 they finally felt it was serious enough, so they took her to the hospital and treated her for an STD that she didn't have. They administered three large doses of penicillin, sent her back to Ladoga where she became increasingly worse. Her eyes were swollen shut, and her lips looked as though they would burst, she was clamy to the touch and dizzy, unable to stand up on her own, painful sores in her vagina, skin rash and finally she was transfered to Riley Childrens Hospital where she began to get the treatment she should have had days even maybe a week sooner, but it seems they all feel it's too late now, because they're only giving her less than a 1% chance of recovering. This is the most horrible thing I have ever seen Jamie doesn't even look human anymore, and you can tell by some of the expressions of the staff that they've really given up hope and it's so painful to watch but I will never leave my baby under any circumstances. I pray that no one else ever in life has to experience what I am now going through yet I'm sure others will because there is always someone out there who refuse to take the necessary steps that need to be taken to catch this from the beginning. My granddaughter only weighed 98 lbs. from the beginning, she wears a size one. She lost over 75% of her skin in two days, though I still have hope it's very difficult to watch a child that was so full of life and energy lying on a bed in this condition. I pray sincerely for anyone who's ever had to go through this and all those responsible. No one should have to suffer like I've seen and am seeing my granddaughter suffer. My prayers are with all of you experiencing this and all those having to minister to thes children and people with this terrible disorder; especially those people who have to experience it when it could have been completely avoided from the beginning.

God Bless, Suerathia C. Turner.....Jamie's grandma.

Name :: Cathy W.

Story ::    I found your website after searching about Stevens Johnson Syndrom and Sulfa Drugs.

I had SJS as a child and can only imagine what my parents went through. I read the story about Julie and it made me think about my parents as well, I hope and pray that she is doing better.

I was in the hospital for several weeks and was stuck in a sterile room where people had to put on special clothes if they wanted to see me. I do not remember any of it, as I was so little, but I have seen pictures of myself and it was quite terrifying. I must be one of the lucky ones, as my eye sight is just about 20/20. I do have ear damage and wear a hearing aid, but I belive that my ear problems started before SJS. I was given Sulfa drugs to help with the SJS, but it made it 100% worse, I was then diagnosed with having a Sulfa allergy.

About 25 years later, I am pretty healthy, though I do get sick more easily than most people. I also have several allergies, and follow a diet to stay away from as many as I can.

I have a current concern however, two days ago my eye started itching, now it is so puffy, I can hardly open it. I went to the doctor this morning and she has put me on antibiotics, as she feels it's an infection. However, she also discovered that I have a lump on my throat. I am very affraid that the SJS is coming back. I hope that I am jumping to conclussions and that the lump is nothing (I am an opera singer and pray that this does not affect my voice).

If you have ever heard of it returning, could you please let me know? I do not know much about SJS, only that I had it and I almost died. It is a real shame that it is not commenly known, and that there is not a lot of information about it.

Thank you, Cathy

Name :: Julie White       Email_address ::

Story ::    It was either an IVIG treatment or a miracle through prayer that stopped SJS in its tracks.

Our 9 year old son, Sam, developed SJS almost immediately after talking an antibiotic on a Friday afternoon. His lips began swelling almost immediately. Call to doctor's office said not to worry, give him benadryl. By the next morning, he was much worse. A trip to the doctor's office gave us a diagnosis of herpes stomatitis because of the numerous sores in his mouth. Throughout Saturday, he got progressively worse. We made numerous calls to doctor's office, they said herpes stomatitis is bad, it will get worse before it gets better. All he could do was lay in the bed.

By Sunday morning, we were talking directly with the doctor, who still never thought about SJS. By Sunday afternoon, we noticed his eyes were swelling. That's when we took him to our local Children's Hospital. He was admitted immediately.

The next morning, our pediatrician came in to see him, and was STILL calling it herpes stomatitis. A nurse pulled her to the side and suggested SJS (there were two other children there with serious burns in the burn unit for SJS). Our doctor then examined Sam's body and immediately got on the phone to the infectious disease doctor. If it had not been for that nurse, his diagnosis would have been delayed which could have had serious consequences.

By that night (Monday), Sam received a large IVIG treatment. He was in serious pain, his skin was being affected, lips/mouth were black, eyes crusted. By Tuesday morning, his symptoms had not progressed, he was on the road to recovery!

So it was either the IVIG or a miracle.

After a few days in the hospital, Sam returned home. He missed a month of school, but caught up quickly. He had no long term damage, except for a little scarring on his lips. So far, his eye sight seems fine.

He is now 12, and with all this recent publicity about SJS, I wish we had created public awareness three years ago, maybe some children's lives could have been saved.

It is a scary, horrible disease.

Sam was treated at Children's Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. I think there should be more awareness about IVIG, because it could be what saved Sam's life.

Name :: ALISA WALKER       Email_address ::


Name :: Kathie       Email_address ::

Story ::    My story is not a nightmare story as many people have experienced. But I have seen no information on what to do if you have my experience so I am hoping someone can offer advice.

I had spine surgery a year ago and my body was flushed with a high dose of antibiotics. Those caused thrush and yeast to recur almost every month. In between treating the thrush and yeast caused weird bacterial stuff to happen, because I was so dopeleted of "good bacteria" after the surgery. So was going back and forth bewteen antibiotic and anti-fungal remedies. In November I took Diflucan for the yeast, and broke out in a red raised rash that saddled my nose. The same thing happened in December. This month, my doc tried a 200 mg dose of diflucan for thrush, followed by 100 mg doses that I was supposed to take for 14 days. But the 200 mg dose made me break out in raised red burn-like blotches on my face and neck. My doc said to keep taking it a few days but stop if the spots started to look like blisters. By day three they looked like they were blisters with water under them, so I stopped the med. Now the spots are flat again but feel just like skin that's been burned touching a hot oven. Also, I've had trouble with my eyes burning, and inflamed taste buds. but it's improved since I stopped the meds. My doc said it was good I stopped because she thought my reaction might be SJS.

Now that I have read up on it on your site, it scares me. Will these symptoms I have now disappear since we stopped the meds? Could they get worse? Can I ever take diflucan again or will I have the same or worse reaction? Thanks to anyone with info on what happens if you experience these limited, milder symptoms.

Name :: Kim Moore       Email_address ::

Story ::    I have suffered from fibromyalgia for several years as a result of 3 car accidents with in a year and a half. I have been seeing a rheumatologist for this condition and in Sept of 2003 he suggested I try Zonegran which is a sulfadamide. After being on the drug for about 2 weeks, one night I noticed that my lips were blistering and my eyes felt like I had sand in them. By the next morning my face and eyes were very swollen and I went to see my primary doc, who said I was having an allergic reaction and suggested benadryl and a medrol dose pack. By the following day I had a rash that covered my entire body and my mouth and throat were swollen and so painful I could not eat. I began to run a fever, and despite taking benadryl like they were tic tacs my rash never changed. I read the insert for the Zonegran and found that it caused Stevens Johnson Syndrome, and not knowing what that was had my mom research it on the internet for me. She called back in 10 minutes and demanded I get to the ER as soon as possible as I had many of the symptoms and this was a life threatening illness. By this time my feet were so swollen I could not walk, so I didn't want to go anywhere, but my husband carried me to the car and we went to the ER. They had no idea what was going on, but admitted me. I saw an ID doc that night who thought it was a systemic herpes infection and I was put on iv antiviral meds. My body continued to blister everywhere, and my feet were so swollen and painful I thought they were going to burst open. After 2 days in the hospital I was seen by a Dermatologist who did a biopsy of one of the lesionsand made the diagnosis of SJS. My Rheumatologist, concerned stopped by to see me and immediately ordered a consult by an opthamologist. I was put on 3 different steriod eye meds, and by the next day I could see, I have read many stories about SJS and I am convinced that my Rhematolgist's suggestion saved my sight. After the 4th day in the hospital my white count dropped so low, the doctors were concerned any infection would definately be life threatening. My hospital stay was 9 days. When I was discharged I still could not walk, as my feet were one giant blister. The skin on my face, feet and arms all sloughed off, the Dermatologist said it was the same as a chemical peel. The strangest thing, though happened 2 weeks after being discharged from the hospital, I have suffered from infertility my whole life, I am 42 and have 2 children, but it took years of medication and artificial insemination to get pregnant. However, something about my SJS episode made me fertile and I found out 2 months after my reaction that I was pregnant, and had gotten that way 2 wks after discharge. Being very concerned about what the SJS could or would do to a growing fetus I saw several doctors, but no one knew enough about the condition to know. The good news is, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl 7 months ago, and although I never expected to be a mom again, it was a blessing after such a terrible ordeal.

I still have problems with my eyes being dry, and hearburn which I believe is related. My skin on my arms, back and legs are scarred. But I do feel fortu some people don't.

Name :: Ruth P. Serquiña

Story ::    I am from Iligan City, Philippines. On March 1,1997, my 6-yr old daughter Brice was having cough and fever, she was given Trizole by her doctor. After the first dose, her eyes became bloody red but later they were back to normal. However, she experienced vomiting and her fever rose to 40+C. After 4 days, we thought she had measles. By the 5th day, her lips were blue and the rashes turned dark. We admitted her to the hospital. She was having blisters all over her body. The doctors were confused and later one doctor diagnosed her as having SJS. We took her to St.Lukes hospital in Manila. There she was diagnosed as having Lyell's Syndrome or Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. She was taken to the Pedia Intensive Care Unit in the reverse Isolation room. It was devastating on our part because we were not only experiencing financial crisis but emotional crisis as well. We could not comfort her because she was bleeding all over her body. She was hysterical and sleepless all the time. I could not bear her cries. What was so painful was that the doctor who prescribed the medicine did not acknowledge her error. We were hopeless since the attending doctors in St.LUke did not give us a clear assurance that she could survive. I was told that she was in a critical condition. We stayed in that hospital for 1 month and 1 week. She survived the ordeal and our family and friends help us in paying the hospital bill.We are so grateful to God. Through that situation, we, as a family, were able to establish a personal relationship with God. Now, my child is 14 yrs old and she is very couragous. She is a risk-taker and her tolerance level for pain is impressive. In addition, we all have an assurance of God's eternal love.

Name :: E. Sebire       Email_address ::

Story ::    To Whom it may concern,

If you are gathering data regarding allergic reactions to Children's Motrin, I can provide you with information on my daughter.

My daughter is now 5 years old, however, when she was approximately 8 mos. old, I gave her Chilren's Motrin one evening and she awoke the following morning with swelling in her face, rash on her body, and difficulty breathing. I took her to the emmergency room right away and she was diagnosed with an allergic reaction to Motrin.

Fortunately, she is fine and has never been given Motrin again.

On CNN this morning, they interviewed a child and her mother. They were discussing SJS and how the child developed it from Children's Motrin.

This was the FIRST TIME I had ever heard of anyone ELSE other than my daughter having an allergic reaction to Motrin.

If I can provide you with any information or documentation on this happening to my child, please let me know.

I'm grateful for your web site and the information it provides.
E. Sebire

Name :: Armando

Story ::    I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection on my skin - minor infection that is. I was prescribed Sulfameth/Trimeth to help my antibodies. For some reason I was just paranoid about the drug after day one and reading the side effects. I got a fever after a few days but it was a wierd fever. I took my temp and it read 101 max at some point, however, I was not in a situation where I just wanted to lay down in bed. I still felt like I could play around and do anythink just like before. The think is that i didnt because I knew I would overheat. I also never really had a loss of appetite hovever. At day 8, I got red bumps on my chest and arms with a rash on my face under my ears (no itching). I saw the doctor again and have stopped the medication. The medication was still working to fight my bacteria as odd as that may sound. After my medication died down I was looking better. I was constantly playing so that I would't get SJS and I never did. I believe that I had a good chance at this terrible symptom but God did not let me get it. I am a Christian and want everyone to follow in his steps as God can heal and prevent SJS from happening.

Name :: Larry J.       Email_address ::

Story ::    I was 13 years old in 1969, when a dose of penicillin began my SJS experience. Two days following the shot of penicillin, I was laying in a hospital bed with a fever of 108. By the 5th day, I was transferred to Yale-New Haven Medical Center, where I stayed for five weeks. I had blistered all over, and most severely in my mouth and eyes. the fluid from my right eye literally perked through my cornea, causing severe scaring and adhesions. My skin, mouth, and other areas healed OK, but my eyes have always continued to have constant irritation , tears, and photosensitivity. Also, my nail beds were destroyed, leaving very disfigured fingernails. I have had numerous eye surgeries, including mucous membrane transplants to the inner eye lids. With the FDA's approval of soft contact lenses in the mid 1970's, I began a life of much more comfort. No vision to speak of in my right eye, but adequate vision in my left that by 16 I had my driver's license. I completed college, married, and had two lovely daughters. SJS did not limit my life, just made it inconvenient at times. We sued no one. There were no reoccurences and no indication of SJS in other family members. If you have SJS, hang in there!

Name :: Jill Van Alstyne

Story ::    Our child was not diagnosed with Stevens Johnson Syndrome and it is quite possible that he did not have that. But I want to tell our story because he did have an allergic reaction to amoxycillin and it may have been an early stage of Stevens Johnson syndrome.

Our five-year-old son had ear infections in January 2005. Our pediatrician prescribed amoxycillin, which he had been given many times as an infant (he had constant ear infections). He has never had an allergic reaction to anything before.

We gave him one pill at 8 p.m. and another at 8 a.m. the next day. By 5 p.m. we noticed his right eye had turned red and was bothering him a lot. (He kept rubbing it.) We gave him cool, wet rags and figured he had pink eye from a bacterial infection. We thought the amoxycillin (an antibiotic) would actually help that. I gave him another pill at 8 p.m.

The strange thing is that his left eye quickly turned red also by then. I've had pink eye before, and it usually stayed in one eye or traveled to the other eye in a day or two. And pink eye always was accompanied by pus/crust. Our son had no pus. But now both eyes were really red and he was rubbing them terribly and said they hurt.

As we were going to bed that night a thought came to me: one of my students went blind from an allergic reaction to a medicine. This happened when she was small, and she is now in high school. I thought, "Maybe that's what's happening to our son?" I called the doctor on call, and she said to give him Benadryl. I did. It helped a lot--he was able to sleep for four hours, but woke up rubbing his eyes terribly again. I gave him another Benadryl and called the doctor again. She thought it was conjunctivitis (infectious, I suppose). Of course, I watched him all night to see if he was having breathing difficulties or developing any rashes. I carefully read the warning papers that came with the amoxycillin. Only in one place did it list anything about eyes--"eye swelling." Our son's eyes were not very swollen at all, but he had developed these strange red circles beneath both eyes.

When he woke up in the morning, it was clear to my husband and I that this was not pink eye. He had red circles on the skin above both eyes, red eyes on the white part of the eye, and red circles on the skin below both eyes. The below-part was starting down into his cheeks, like a rash. His eyes were bugging him a lot. He didn't call it itching, he called it hurting. One time he described it as "poking" him.

We brought him back to our pediatrician, who confirmed the allergic reaction to penicillin. But our boy never did develop a rash anywhere else, or a fever, or any other symptom. I think that is because we caught it early on and stopped the amoxycillin after just 3 pills.

We thought the symptoms would go away in 24 hours, but his eyes stayed red and bothered him for 8 days!! They did get better gradually, but it was very worrisome. Three times he said things looked "foggy" and that he couldn't see very well. We hauled him to the ER on that night (a couple nights later) but that doc wanted to give him an antibiotic eyedrop (just what we needed--more antibiotics!) We said no.

An urgent care doc confirmed the allergic reaction diagnosis and believed us. He also said the "cobblestoning" in the lower lid was an indicator of an allergic reaction. But an opthalmologist and an allergist both thought it was a viral conjunctivitis. (Of course, they saw his eyes one week later when the rash and skin redness were gone and just the eyeballs were irritated.) I felt like they didn't believe us.

Our son continued to rub his eyes, especially at night and even during his sleep through mid-February. It is now Feb. 20, and he seems to have gotten over this. We are thankful. I just want to make sure that there is no eye damage that has occurred or might still occur. I wonder if there is something else we should do to be sure he is okay and no eye damage develops.

Plus, I wanted to share this story because I think it could happen to other kids/parents who don't have the knowledge I have. After this happened to my son, my student shared her story with me about having Stevens Johnson syndrome and she had a horrible time. It was not diagnosed immediately. As I said, she is completely blind as a result. This happened to her at age 4 after taking amoxycillin. Like our son, she had taken it many times before due to ear infections.

Name :: Linda A. Bergeron       Email_address ::

Story ::    After three trips to the emergency room and several injections and prescriptions of cortisone, "my hypersensitivity reaction" couldnot betolerated anymore. I was having difficulty breathing, my body was inundated with blisters and crawling purplish targets my skin was ablaze from head to toe with uncontrollable itching. This time I was hospitalized. I was severely dehydrated. They were determined to draw blood, a very slow and arduous process producing the blackest blood I had ever seen. This IV didn't last long as it infiltrated and I ultimately had to have a central line put in. They pushed solumedral, benadryl, and valium. Can't remember what else. I remained hospitalized for 8 days while they symptoms abated. The palms of my hands, soles of my feet were visually pierced with a purple scar. My skin was hypersensitive for months following, I lost my hair and deep scar lines in the bed of my nails developed as I recovered. Weaning from the steroids was very difficult as the symptoms waxed and waned so did the steroids. This left me very depressed and anxious. My heart raced, my blood pressure sored and I was swollen for months. The year following this episode I had pneumonia, exacerbated hormonal problems ending with a hysterectomy due to uterine cysts, a left coronary stent and OSA with a CPAP mahine. These were probably non related but this was certainly a year of health problems. This is a brief exerpt of a list of symptoms and maladies occuring since SJS.

Name :: AJ SPRADLIN       Email_address :: DANAJSPR@YAHOO.COM

Story ::    Your email address is not working, so, this site has been used. It is most fortunate that your site exists! The prescription of vioxx has been used for over 5 years until recently the physician switched me to Bextra. There were no side effects, however, an additional medication has been prescribed of lamictal. There is a warning on the information sheet that accompanies the medication as well as the doctor informing me of the Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The doctor simply stated, "if you notice a rash, call me." Since there are two medications that would be ingested that could cause this disease, a search began before using the latter. This search has resulted in finding your site. I recently learned of my allergy to morphine and its sister. The allery to the new medication could cause lasting effects. Thanks for your informative site.
AJ Spradlin

Name :: Candy Harrison       Email_address ::

Story ::    I sent this letter to a local Dallas, Texas newspaper in hope of having the below Doctors recognized. Unfortunately, they did not recive the award. After reading the February 8, 2005 Wall Street Journal I thought I would share this with your foundation.

June 22, 2004

Ms. Glanda Vosburgh Dallas Business Journal 12801 N. Central Expressway Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75243

Dear Ms. Vosburgh,

Acute Kids Care in Frisco, Texas should be the 2004 recipient of the Community Outreach Award honoring people and their organizations for developing a program that has improved the quality of pediatric medical services in the City of Frisco.

John Myers, M.D., F.A.C.E.P., F.A.A.P. and Gary Gerlacher, M.D., F.A.A.P., founders of Acute Kids Care, along with partner Kerry Johnson, M.D., F.A.C.E.P., F.A.A.P., should be recognized for their successful vision to provide comprehensive pediatric urgent care services.

Unlike most pediatrician’s offices, they are open Monday through Friday 5pm until midnight, Saturday and Sunday noon until 8pm and holidays! For working parents, like myself, they truly deserve all the recognition and thanks they can get from the community.

On April 13, 2003, Dr. Myers became my hero. My, then, 8-month-old son became ill. It was Sunday evening. I had my pediatrician paged. He referred me to this “new” pediatric urgent care center where they could treat, what we thought was, dehydration. Unlike most urgent care centers or emergency rooms, we were seen immediately. Dr. Myers took one look at my son and said we were going to the ER at Medical City. He calmly explained to me that my child had Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and erythema multiforme. “What is all of that?” I asked. He printed out information for me, told me he would call Dr. Gerlacher, who was on call in the ER at Medical City, and they would be waiting for us. In short, he saved my child’s life!

I could bake dozens of cookies and send thousands of thank you notes, but what better way to honor the doctors who care about their patients, and professions, then by nominating them for this prestigious award!

I have included testimonials from the companies website from other parents who have also had exemplary medical care provided to their children by the professionals at Acute Kids Care. I congratulate the Dallas Business Journal for sponsoring the 2004 Health Care Heroes Awards and look forward to seeing the results!

Most sincerely,
Candy Harrison

Name :: mark angelov       Email_address ::

Story ::    I had flue-like symptoms with high fever for a week. Just as I got better, on day 8, I woke up with bloody blisters on the inside of my cheeks and under my tongue. Luckily, the doctor diagnozed it correctly that afternoon. Also luckily for me, I never developed any skin lesions... I had extensive lesions in my mouth, throat , nose, eyes, esophagus, trachea and urethra. 2 days later I was unable to swallow even liquids. I developed a corneal abrasion in my left eye that caused severe pain for several days.

The doctors were wonderful, and I was lucky. It's now been 3 weeks, and I am recovering quickly. As horrible an experience as it was, I survived w/o any long-term consequences, although the vision in one eye will take a little while to come back.

The second most important thing throughout the ordeal was pain management using Magic Mouthwash (benadril/malox/lidocaine), 2% lidocaine, and lots of percocet. The most important thing was unwavering support from my loved ones. They helped me pull through.

Name :: Linda

Story ::    My seven year old son was taking a sulpha antibiotic for a staph infection when he developed Stevens-Johnsons Syndrome last year. Of course, at the time I had never heard of SJS. Jeremy and his twin brother were getting ready to start second grade, and I was worried that he was going to miss the first day of school. Little did I know he would miss the first six weeks.

I couldn't understand what was causing his disparate symptoms: swollen face and lips, red irritated eyes that were sensitive to light, fever and nausea. Our pediatrician didn't recognize the syndrome right away, but as soon as Jeremy began to develop lesions, he figured it out. We were lucky to have an early diagnosis. Jeremy was admitted to our local Children's Hospital and placed on IV steroids, a practice I now know is somewhat discredited. At the time, though, I still didn't know the extent of what we were dealing with. Within two days his skin was blistered and he was unable to open his eyes. When the opthalmologist was summoned and had to pry his eyes open with glass rods, his screams could be heard all over the floor. By this time, although the doctors had really told us very little, my husband and I had read up on SJS on the internet, and we were terrified. The idea that Jeremy could be blinded, or even die, was the worst thing we could have imagined.

Jeremy was moved to the pediatric ICU where he spent the next ten days. The doctors there were more familiar with SJS and took him off the steriods. When his breathing became more labored from the tissues sloughing off his in airway, he was intubated and put on a respirator. As hard as it was to watch this happen to him, it meant that he was unaware when the medical staff pried his eyes open every two hours for treatment, so it was really a blessing. His face was blistered beyond recognition. With all of the monitors, tubes and apparatus attached to him, we could hardly find our little boy in that big hospital bed. We kept his photograph at the bedside to remind us of what he really looked like. We consulted with plastic surgeons, dermatologists, infectious disease specialists, and seemingly every other imaginable specialty. From the internet my husband learned about IV immunoglobulin therapy and mentioned it to the doctors. They agreed it was worth a try, and it seemed to have helped Jeremy.

As the drug reaction peaked, he finally began to overbreathe the respirator and we were able to take him off. although he continued to require significant respiratory therapy. He had to undergo physical therapy to regain strength to walk. Three weeks after his admission, we were finally able to bring him home, and after three more weeks, he went back to school. We made one return visit to the hospital to undergo cryotherapy on his eyelashes, which had turned inward due to the scarring from SJS. The lashes were poking him and causing corneal abrasions. Another procedure is planned to remove additional scar tissue from his eyes.

Today, some six months later, Jeremy is doing well. His skin continues to heal and his eyesight is good. He still has eye irritation from the scar tissue in his eyes, but things could have been much, much worse, and we are grateful for such a good outcome.

It is our hope that by contributing our story, parents will become more aware of the warning signs of SJS. A prompt diagnosis and quick intervention probably saved our son's eyesight.

Name :: Mike Mohr

Story ::    I have experienced increasing moderate to severe chronic back pain for approx. 20 years. In the very early part of year 2000, I began taking 800 mg of Ibuprofin four to six times a day, mostly as an anti-inflammatory. Not much actually helps the pain.

In late summer of 2000 I began to develop lesions and pustules which spread in bands, clumps and stripes on my chest, breasts, shoulders and neck. Within a couple years they had spread to both arms, shoulder to wrist. Needless to say, itching and scratching was no help and complicated things amazingly.

I had originally attributed this to the effects of moderate sun exposure and to the fact that ( in Jan 1998 ) I had acquired and Iguana. I supposed I had some odd reptile-related infection or mites, which may or may not have complicated both the malady and my ability to determine a cause and a course of action.

Around mid-December of 2004, I ceased taking Ibuprofin altogether and within five or six weeks there was noticeable improvement - outbreaks ceased the the present batch of lesions began to heal. I will have a stunning set of scars.

Thank you for the information related in your articles about NSAIDS in general and as relate to Ibuprofin. I'm still allergic to doctors; now I'm allergic to medications.
Mike Mohr

Name :: Elizabeth Gaynor       Email_address ::

Story ::    Nine years ago I had a scheduled C-section to have my son. I was 29 years old. It was my second C, so I was prepared for the pain. When I was offered pain meds, I asked for Tylenol since the pain was too bad. The nurses suggested ibuprofen instead for it's anti-inflammatory properties. Within 24 hours, I developed a slight rash and heavy itching. Within 36 hours, my skin was deep red, I was swollen and the pain and itching were unbearable. To top it off, this rash was in my incision. The rash was from my neck to my knees. We went straight back to the hospital (military, unfortunately) and begged to be seen. It took perserverance, but finally they saw me. The doctor had me disrobe, took one look and said "oh, it's an allergic reaction. Kind of strange though...never seen anyone allergic to ibuprofen." He gave me heavy doses of benadryl and told me never take it again for fear of death. The pain and discomfort from this reaction, my first and only ever reaction to anything, was unbearable. I thought I was going to die. My skin was on fire. When I heard that some reactions cause severe burns, I wasn't surprised considering what I felt. I am so sad to hear that this drug has such devastating effects on children. I guess I'm a lucky one. I have no longstanding effects from the incident. At least not that I know of. God bless you! Please continue to push for these warnings. They are desperately needed.

Name :: Abby       Email_address ::

Story ::    Hi, My name Is Abigail Taraskus I am 19 years old. I was diagnosed with SJS about a year ago. I had several reactions to medications I was on. First I started getting hives all over my body and the doctors told me I was out in the sun too much. Then I got cold sore like blisters in and around my mouth, which the doctors thought was some type of STD and treated me for that, but that only made the problem worse. One day while going to the bathroom I noticed a intense burning sensation and took a peek. I was horrified there blister all over me, the skin was peeling away. So I went to my OB/GYN who gave a 1 Diflucan pill and some Zovarax cream which didn't really help. After pleading with my doctor she refused to place a cathader in me. The only way for me to go to the bathroom was to stand in the shower and let the warm water run on me while going (with my mothers help). I was not able to eat because of the sores in my mouth and I became weak and sick. After many outbreaks, and feeling helpless because no one knew what was wrong with me it had gotten so bad that I went to the hospital on my graduation night. The blisters affected my pubic region, mouth and lips, my eyes were not affected. The OB/GYN who saw me took one look and diagnosed me on the spot. I was on Bactrim for chronic UTI's, Celebrex, Vioxx,(For back pain), Valtrex(because the doctors thought the blisters were Herpipatic) and Ortho-Tricylin High. I was taken off my meds and placed on a seven day series of steroids, which cleared the problem up. It has been a year and I have been fine. But now I'm experiencing signs again. The doctor who diagnosed me never told me what SJS was and my family doctor said she has never heard of it. Most of my knowledge is due to your website and others. I came to the conclusion that it was the Sulfa drugs,and any medicines besides Acetaminophen, and NASID's. God Bless Abby

Name :: Lisa       Email_address ::

Story ::    My nephew is in Pittsburghs Childrens Hospital. His name is Ian and lives in Erie. Ian has been in Childrens for 3 weeks, after being taken to local hospitals in Erie 2 times. It all started with bronchitus. Then a fever, and red blisters all over. Ian is a special child. Ian has Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, and Mental Retardation. The doctors feel his Epilepsy medicine along with Motrin caused this. They had to do a Tracheotomy to let the blisters in the mouth to heal. He has had several problems these last 3 weeks. His blood pressure would spike along with a fever. He had a skin infection, which is healing very well, but now his right lung lobe is not working. They feel this, along with the blisters in his mouth could now be Herpes. They say that if it is Herpes it could cause the outbreak of SJS all over again. I have never heard of such a thing! I wonder if he is being used as a guinea pig because nobody really knows what exactly happens with SJS especially in a special child with several health problems. I myself had never heard of SJS until now. I have since pulled all the Motrin from my cabinets. If anyone can shed a little light on this, please let me know.
Thank You, Lisa

Name :: Sara Bachelder

Story ::    I developed TEN from Bactrim prescribed for a kidney infection. I had never had any previous adverse reaction to any medication, and had taken Bactrim at different times in my life without problem. The kidney infection had been particularly resistant to treatment, and treatment had been prolonged. I live in Mexico, and my health insurance, Seguro Social (the government's socialized medical care system), was through my employer. It's an understatement to say that the Seguro Social medical system leaves a lot to be desired, but that's a topic for another forum!

The first syptoms were a cluster of large but mosquito-like extremely itchy bumps on my thigh which I noticed on my way to work in the morning and which over the course of the eight hours I worked multiplied and spread out and together across my thighs and down my calves.

I had taken a pill at 6 in that morning, and wasn't scheduled to take another one until 6 pm; I didn't take it but instead went to the nearest Seguro Social (IMSS) hospital emergency room. The doctor there had no idea what was wrong. I asked him if it could be an allergic drug reaction, and he said it was possible, and to stop taking whatever I'd been prescribed, and sent me home. He did say if it were an allergic reaction, that it could get worse. What an understatement! He said if it got worse, to come back.

In the morning, the large splotches looked more like huge bloody patches and my legs burned and hurt terribly, and standing or walking was excruciating. I also had the same lesions and patches on my arms. Standing or bending my legs or arms caused intense pain that felt like a cascade of fire; it seemed like the cells in my tissues were bursting and my blood was boiling, cascading down within my skin, yet somehow hurt all the way down to the bone.

I went back to the hospital and was admitted. They began IV fluids, and also administered some type of pain medication. I was monitored for one day and was told I must force fluids and rest in bed for the next two weeks minimum, and to stay out of the sun. That part wasn't difficult considering how much pain I was in. The next day the lesions and the pain were even worse, and my husband brought me back to the hospital, where the repeated the same IV and pain med routine as before, and after a day they sent me home again. After two weeks I attempted to return to work but couldn't bear the pain of walking, so I stayed home another week. The pain persisted, but I managed work by sitting most of the day. My doctor objected, but I had to return to work or risk losing my job and I needed the income as well.

During the worst of it the bloody looking lesions grew completely together, blanketing my legs and arms. They looked so awful for so long after, that to hide them I had to wear long sleeves and long dresses or finally when I could bear it, slacks. It took about a year and a half for them to fade enough to dare to show my legs. I also had an enlarged spleen.

Three years have now passed, and all that visibly remains is slight hyperpigmentation, which look like bruises on my legs and arms where the worst, deepest lesions were, which darken with exposure to sunlight. Of course I must also avoid sulfa drugs, but am very cautious and nervous about taking any type of medication at all now.

I know so many people affected by this have had much more serious cases. I think maybe I was just fortunate to have had it diagnosed early and had stopped taking the Bactrim.
My prayers go out for all who are affected my SJS or TEN.

Name :: S.Cormier

Story ::    Spring 1985
I was a young mother ( age 24) living in SE Ma. with two small children when I was treated for bronchial pnemonia with antibiotics. I do not recollect the exact medication I was prescribed, nor do I remember what other medications I may have been on. After sitting in the park on a sunny day my face became swollen as if I had too much sun. Hours later, all orifices, nasal, optic, oral, vaginal and anal became swollen and ulcerated. I was taken to the emergency in severe pain was told I had a food allergy and to take Benedryl. Hours passed and symptoms worsened with fever and extreme pain and ulcerations, on the second and third ER visit I was informed I had geneital herpes. ( biopsy revealed I did not!) The doctor actually conducted a punch biopsy of the labia that resulted in a sever loss of blood, multiple sutures to close and loss of consciousness. I was abruptly admitted to the ICU under cap, glove and gown precauctions when my skin started to abcess and erode. Luckily an infectious disease doctor was called in on consult and diagnosed my condition. I nearly lost my life. I am now a 45 yr old woman who was diagnosed with indolent non-hodgkins lymphoma shortly thereafter. I have had 2 recurrences to date but am now well and in remission. However, it has always bothered me that I have wondered whether the antibodies I now posess and the trauma my body suffered at the time may have anything to do with the onset of my cancer.

At the time, mid 1980's, many doctors had never heard of this syndrome or had rarely seen it in a woman of my age and without the internet there was no information available to me regarding this. I am curious to know if there are other younger woman who may have experienced a similar episode and if they had any long term complications, cancer or vision issues. Please respond with knowledgable information only to the above e-mail. Thank you.

Name :: Ernest A. Waite Sr.       Email_address ::

Story ::    On may 13th, 2000 I was feeling flu like symptoms when i drove myself to the V.A.Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. I went for x-rays and was told that i had a slight infection and I was given the antibiotic Levofloxacin. The fisrt thing the doctor asked me was what kind of antibiotic i would take when i have an infection. I replied Keflex, but he said that he had a new antibiotic and that he wasn't going to give me Keflex.
Anyways the doctor give me what he wanted which was Levofloxacin and told me to take one a day for ten days. I started taking them right away and for the first three days i wasn't feeling any better. Then on the 4th day i started feeling worse the same goes for the 5th & 6th day and on the seventh day Is when all hell broke out. On May 19th. about 8PM i started breaking out with blisters in my mouth ,down my throat and my eyes started oozing pus. I was very sick that night and didn't get any sleep at all and the next morning my wife and daughter took me back to the V.A.Hospital. As soon as I walked into the emergency room the nurse right away found a room for me and then about four to five doctors started gathering around me guessing at what they think i had, I heard SJS, Bechet's disease, crohns, and a few others.
While I was laying in bed all of a sudden my penis and scrotum started burning very bad and all i could do was scream. Soon after that i was admitted to ward 44 for a series of tests and to determine what it was that i had. After spending 23 days in the hospital and going back and forth to the hospital for more test my primary doctor diagnosed me with Behcet's Disease in September 2000. In August of 2000 I had an implanted morphine pump put into my abdoman to relieve the terribly burning pain that i was left with in my penis, my mouth feels like a flame thrower always burning and i am now on oxycodone for the burning pain in my mouth.
I have been on the morphine pump almost 5 yrs. and if not for that I would have probably done something stupid. The pain gets so unbearable at times. Now getting back to my diagnoses, the same doctor that diagnosed me with Behcet's disease now says that i never had Behcet's and that it was SJS, only after treating for Behcet's for 4yrs. now retracts the Behcet's Disease. I have to go the V.A.Hospital every month to get my pump filled and my other meds. I Can no longer do anything that requires bending over or lifting, I am always in pain everyday but i started using the computer to keep my mind off this burning pain that has been haunting me for the past five years. There is no cure for burned nerve ending in my mouth and penis. "Watch what medication you Take because what could cure you can also KILL YOU"

Name :: ReneeSerrano       Email_address ::

Story ::    Hi my name is Renee iam a 32 yr old female survivor of sjs. Well i dont even know where to begin. I was out with a friend at dinner after awhile my eyes began to itch uncontrollably and i also noticed that they were getting red a large amount of mucus keep building up even though i keep wiping them with a kleenex. By the time we reached home my eyes were completely blood shot red and swollen like two baseballs. The first thing i thought it must have been something i ate at the resturaunt. So basically i just got some visine drops and some benadryl from the local drug store and went to bed. The next morning i woke up my body was aching all over my eyes were stuck together from the mucus buildup and my lips were sore and burning. I preceeded to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror to see what was going on. I was not prepared for what i saw my face was red and full of blotches and my face was swollen like a basketball but i had no fever i just felt weak. I then got on the phone and called my allergist and explained to her what was happening and she told me to come in that aftrenoon. When i got to her office she took a look at me and said you had a allergic reaction to something and prescribed some predisone for me which is a steroid. She also preceeded to ask me had i ate anything different at dinner that i normally dont eat my answer was no she next asked had i used any new detergent or soap or cosmectics on my face again my answer was no. She than gave me a appointment to come back that monday this was on a friday so she could do some allergy testing on me and see if we could figure out where the reaction came from. So i took my prescription and went on my way i had it filled and took my first dose and went about my normal activity. Later that night i started feeling really horrible my lips swelled even more and by this time a had a slight fever. I decided to go to the E.R. Once i got there they also said i had a allergic reaction and gave me IV benadryl for the itching and A double dose of IV steroids and sent me home. They did not give me another prescription cause i had told them i already had one from seeing the doctor earlier that day. I came home and went to bed. The next day i felt so bad i could not even get out of bed. My phone had rung quite a few times but i was just to weak to get up to answer it i couldnt even move to go to the bathroom. I had chills even though i had two quilts on by then i knew i had a fever. I just figured i lay there and sweat it out. I fell back to sleep the next thing i know i wake up and its night time i had sleep the whole day away. Shortly after i woke up i heard my door open and then heard the voice of my mother calling to me. I was so weak i could hardly answer. She then walked into my bedroom frantic sayin are you alright ive been calling you all day and you have not been answering your phone. Before i could answer she asked me whats wrong with your face. I began to tell her what happen. She asked me if i wanted her to take me back to the emergency room but i said no. Well her response was you cant just lay there like that so she got on the phone and called my general doctor. She explained to him what was goin on . My doctor told her not to leave me alone and to take me to her house and monitior me and if my temperature gets higher or i swell anymore or get short of breath take me to the E.R. I dont even remeber getting dress to go to my mothers let alone the E.R. The doctor keet calling to check up on me at my mothers to see how i was and he told her to keep asking if i could breath or not i was getting frustrated by this time cause all i wanted to do is sleep and my mother kept waking me to see if i was feeling any worse or better. Finally in the middle of the night im not even sure what time i was again woken up but this time it was by EMS workers. My mother had decided to get up in check up on me in the middle of the night she said she just had a gut feeling something was not right. She was surely right about that she said when she turned on the light she couldnt believe her eyes. She was in shock she had never seen anyones face swell to the size mines did and i was still sleep but gasping for air as if i could not breathe . She called 911 and the next thing i know they were by the bed asking me if i could breathe and i said yes . They took me to Alberteinstein Hospital which is about 5-7 mins from my house . I rembember going in on a strectcher and all these nurse and doctors all around me sticking tubes here and there taking blood, temprature, blod pressure you name it they were doing it . The last thing my chest felt tight and i could not breathe and i heard the doctor yelling her throat is closing and everything else is blank to me. All i know i woke up 3 days later not knowing where i was and in extreme pain and could not see. I was scared and confused. After being there about a week i was transfered to Jacobi Burn Unit Medical Center, where i stayed for about 2 months. Basically the whole time i was there i didnt know what was going on. I was so drugged up on morphine for the pain i basically slept those two months away. Finally when i was well enough to be alert but for only short periods at a time i was horrified cause i could not see. Half the people who came to see me i dont even remember coming.

So thats pretty much how sjs started for me that was just the beginning. I couldnt eat for about three months i was feed through a feeding tube. I couldnt talk do to the sores in my mouth. I had blisters and sores from head to toe. Even in my vaginal and anal area, my skin came completely off i was shedding like a snake. My toe nails and finger nails also came off and till this day have not completely grown back, my eyebrows and eyelashes came off it was all so puzzling to me. Especially when they couldnt answer what caused it at least not at the time later on down the road they figured it out. I had surgery 2 weeks prior to this reaction taken place. At the time of surgery i was given IV contrast and penicillin which are both sulfur drugs. They are convinced thats what cause this to happen . But till this day they are not sure whether it was the IV contrast or penicillan or both. This all took place February 2003 until i can teven remember the exact date i came home. Even though iam home and iam told i extremely licky to be alive and have regained my site i still have alot of side affects do to this. Like i said i regained my eye sight back after about a monthe before i left the hospital, but i have promblems seeing sometimes things get blury and i really have to focus on whatever im looking at and my eyes comstantly tear they run for no reason there isnt a day that goes by that when im wlaking in the street someone stop me and ask if im ok because they think iam crying but in fact my eyes are just tearing . I also still have some liasions inside my mouth and toungue and it has mad it very hard for me to eat spicy foods or anything that to cold like icecream it bothers me. My hair finally grew back in for i was bald. So im thankful for all of that. The only thing iam still depressed about is my skin the 3rd degree burns it caused to my skin has yet gone back to the way it was, and its not just one part of my body its my entire body. And since im so light it does not make matters any better its very noticable. I have been to demeratalogist had all types of creams prescribed , had all different types of home remedy coca butter, aloe vera, vitiamin e capsules, shea butter various lotions and creams you name it ive tried it but its been 2 years and my skin hasnt cleared up yet. I dont know maybe it never will but docotrs keepin tellin it takes time some people longer than others and then again it may clear up but never the way my skin was before the reaction. So i guess i have to be patient and hopefully it will clear up totally or accept the fact it might not and just be thankfull i survived because alot of people who do have a sjs or 10 reaction dont survive. So to all who have suffered or know someone who has suffered dont complain about what it has done to you or your loved one just be thankful that you or your loved one made it through and still have each other. Thanks for hearing my story.